TopoMatters | Aerial LiDAR and Data for Surveyors

TopoMatters® survey data + deliverables

LiDAR and photogrammetry-based deliverables for professional land surveyors

LiDAR Scan

LiDAR Scan to Colorized Point Cloud

Fashionably called a “digital twin,” the point cloud offers a current perspective view of your survey limits and surroundings. A point cloud contains millions of pixels, each 3D geo-referenced and contains RGB color, intensity and laser return data. Point cloud models are CAD and GIS friendly, delivered as an .las or Autodesk-compatible .rcp file  that’s ready to be incorporated into your project design workflow.

7 Parameter Helmert Transformation for Drone Mapping

Seven Parameter Localization

Most projects require data in local ground-scaled coordinate systems.  In this case, ground control point coordinate pairs are applied to transform the point cloud to the project’s local coordinate system prior to further processing.  If your deliverables are in State Plane or UTM coordinates, this step is not required.

Digital Elevation Model

Digital Terrain Model

Through a point cloud classification process, ground points are identified and used to create a digital terrain model (DTM). A DTM is a digital representation of the bare-earth surface, excluding vegetation, buildings, and other artificial structures. DTMs are often used to analyze and visualize terrain data for engineering and geospatial applications.

existing conditions

Digital Orthophoto Map

Straight-down, georeferenced imagery provides additional detail and context to your survey limits.  The orthophoto is delivered in a GeoTIFF (.tif) file format, in a CAD layer as a compressed .ecw format, or can be viewed with Google Earth or a GIS tool that best suits your use case.

CAD Topographic Surface and Linework

Depending on your project, linework might be the only data that you need, without the data that you don’t.

Our CAD linework is professionally drafted from the LiDAR and orthophoto data collected from your project site, delivered as DWG 2D or 3D polylines, points and a Civil 3D surface.

Features that can be seen from the air can be captured in linework with incredible precision. TIN surface, contour lines, spot elevations, break lines, building drip lines, edge of road/curb/sidewalk, paint striping, tree locations and more.

Available Full Topographic + Boundary Survey

For our clients that are not licensed land surveyors, we can coordinate stamped topographic and boundary survey deliverables (and other land surveying tasks) offered through our partner network of professional land surveyors.

Get started

Add aerial data and deliverables to your survey workflow