TopoMatters | Aerial LiDAR and Data for Surveyors

Client Spotlight

Summit County Resource Allocation Park

Refreshing existing conditions of a dynamic Summit County, Colorado asset


Summit County, Colorado provides accessible discard and recycle options for its community in order to maintain a clean, healthy, aesthetically pleasing mountain environment.  A critical component of its waste management and recycling efforts involves monitoring and communicating the ever-changing property landscape.


TopoMatters got the project off the ground quickly through careful mission planning and data acquisition to meet the needs of the project.  High-fidelity data was processed and delivered in large print format assets.


The freshly-documented existing conditions are providing the necessary visual context required to foster rich communications with internal stakeholders and visitors to the County property.
"TopoMatters was responsive, professional, and provided quality deliverables!"
Bill Schenk
Summit County Resource Allocation Park

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